
What percentage of Milne Grove Elementary School graduates in Illinois community colleges had to take remedial classes in 2023-24 school year?

What percentage of Milne Grove Elementary School graduates in Illinois community colleges had to take remedial classes in 2023-24 school year?
Tony Sanders State Superintendent of Education | Official Website

In the 2023-24 school year, two years after 93.5% of Milne Grove Elementary School seniors graduated on time, 25% of those who attended Illinois community colleges had to take remedial courses, as they weren't prepared for college-level classes, according to data from the Illinois State Board of Education.

Of the 25%, 100% took remedial math.

The same data shows that 75% of the students enrolled in two-or four-year college programs within 12 months of graduating high school, which is above the state rate.

Milne Grove Elementary School is one of 19 high schools located within Will County County.

Statewide, 27.7% of community college students across the state had to take remedial classes.

Illinois has approved a new budget for 2025 that increases funds for K-12 education to $8.6 billion, $350 million above last year’s budget.

Lawmakers also approved a new bill that creates a statewide child tax credit, which allows families to receive $300 per child under 17 years. This comes after a similar aid was granted from the federal government, as part of the American Rescue Plan.

Remediation in Will County County Schools (2023-24)
SchoolFour-year graduation rateRemediation rate
Monee Elementary School90.7%69.2%
T.E. Culbertson Elementary School60%66.7%
Grand Prairie Elementary School95%60.5%
Taft Grade School41.4%60%
Taft Elementary School27.8%45.8%
Arlene Welch Elementary School82.4%42.9%
Arnold J. Tyler School79.3%41%
Oliver Julian Kendall Elementary School75.9%34.4%
Orenic Intermediate School86.3%33.5%
Anna McDonald Elementary School92.7%32.6%
Oster-Oakview School83.5%32.3%
Mokena Elementary School87.7%25.9%
A. Vito Martinez Middle School69.8%25.7%
Milne Grove Elementary School93.5%25%
Alex M. Martino Junior High School92.1%24.9%
Mokena Intermediate School84.2%23.1%
Oak Prairie Junior High School91.1%20%
A.O. Marshall Elementary School90.4%15%
Mokena Junior High School82.6%0%